A child’s emotional, physical, mental and social well being is always of paramount importance to parents and hence they send their children to a playschool. A pre-school plays a vital role in a child’s life as it is the very first place that a child ever goes to outside the comfort of his/her home. Sending a child to a playschool is therefore necessary as it not only shapes his/her cognitive and social behaviour but also prepares him/her adequately for school learning. The following points briefly talks about the positive influence of a playschool on the child.
The year 2020 is different for reasons more than one. The world is facing a pandemic and the human race is facing one of the worst crises of all times. Nationwide lockdown and several guidelines related to the “new normal” has transformed many sectors, so that they can pace up with the pandemic situation. One such unique feature of the new normal is “home-schooling”. It is not possible for kids to go to school in a situation where they are constantly at a risk of getting affected by a virus. Hence, many schools are providing the facility of “Home-Schooling” to ensure that kids learn from the safety of their homes. Digital technologies and platforms are increasingly being used to deliver lessons to children at home.
You can reduce your child's use of electronic devices until he/she completes the schoolwork. Apps and games are fun but it might distract your child. Though this might not be affordable for everyone, for better results give your kid a laptop that can be used for e-learning.
When your child goes to school he/she learns in a classroom and the set up is entirely different. So when your child is going for home-schooling, do your best to dedicate a quiet and comfortable place for his/her learning.
Make sure your child takes breaks to do some physical activity and spend some time away from the screen. Encourage them to go for a walk inside the complex or get some fresh air by standing on the balcony.
It is very important for you to interact with your kids on a one to one basis. The Covid19 situation is difficult for your child too as he/she is not meeting his/her friends or going to school. Spend quality time with your kids and communicate with them. Read stories to them or help them with school assignments.
Encourage your child to read from books and printed materials. Request for textbooks from your child's school in order to make the process of online learning more fruitful. There have been various studies based on remote education and they can be quite challenging for kids if they aren't guided properly.
It is very important for you to remember that you aren't alone in this. There are other parents too. You can communicate with them and see how they are adapting to the situation. This will increase your confidence level. It is very important for us to be together as a community, in this pandemic situation.
Even though staying at home feels like a vacation; you must remind your kids that they aren't on a vacation. Assignments and tests aren't going away because classes have moved online.
Plan off-screen activities for your kid. Organize indoor games like card games, ludo, chess, etc for your kids. Follow the guidelines about safe behavior and events, of course, but make sure you still find time for fun with your kids.
Without a doubt, this is a challenging time for parents, teachers, and children. But there are many schools that are providing "Home-schooling" facilities for kids and one such school is Little Bright Stars. At Little Bright Stars, we are trying our best to give the best home-schooling experience to the kids.