Preschool Readiness: Ensuring a Smooth Transition

Preschool is a big milestone for children. As it is the beginning of the formal learning journey, it is but natural to have mixed emotions, to be excited on one end and apprehensive on the other. Here are some steps that can be taken to ensure that your child is preschool ready.

Behind the Scene Facts about Preschools

Parents can visit the preschool before the first day to familiarise children with the surroundings. They can also pretend play with their little ones to give them an idea of a preschool. Furthermore, they should read books about preschools to toddlers, fix their sleeping habits, arrange a playdate from their class and on the first day, reassure them that they will see them soon.

To summarise, transitioning to a preschool can be challenging for both parents and children but if done right, it can make children independent, help them learn life lessons and make new friends. As it is a new phase in a child’s development, it is important to prepare them emotionally in order to ease the transition.